Buy Saudi Medical Licensing Exam (SMLE Exam) (SCFHS Exam)

Buy Saudi Medical Licensing Exam (SMLE Exam) (SCFHS Exam)

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Buy Genuine Saudi Medical Licensure Examination
Saudi Medical Licensure Examination
Congratulations to those who are a year away from MBBS/MD graduation and the ones who have already graduated! We share the excitement and pride you feel at this moment of your life. Your future career is bright and holds many opportunities. We wish you all the success in your future endeavors and dreams.

At this stage, you must take the Saudi Medical Licensure Examination (SMLE) if you want to practice in Saudi Arabia or get admitted to a postgraduate training program at the Saudi Commission for Heath Specialties (SCFHS).

What is the SMLE?

The SMLE is an exam that assesses your readiness to practice and/or proceed to postgraduate training. It consists of 300 MCQs which may include up to 20 pilot questions. It is a six-hour MCQ examination with scheduled breaks. It is divided into three sections of 100 questions each with time allocation of 120 minutes for each part. There are two scheduled breaks between section one-two and section two-three with a pool total time of 45 minutes to be divided between these two breaks based on candidate preference. These MCQs have four options from which the candidate will choose one best answer.

The examination shall contain recall questions that test knowledge and questions with scenarios that test other skills (interpretation, analysis, decision making, reasoning and problem solving).
How is the SMLE pass score established?
The SCFHS brings together a panel of Saudi physicians to define an acceptable level of performance and establish the pass score for the (SMLE ) through a standard setting exercise. The panel then recommends its pass score to the Central Assessment Committee (CAC) for approval.

In April 2017, the SCFHS conducted a rigorous standard setting exercise with a diverse panel of physicians. Following the standard setting exercise, the panel recommended a pass score of 560 on the reporting scale of 200-800. This pass score was reviewed and approved by the CAC.

This was applied since of June 2017. If you took the SMLE prior to June 2017, your final result remains valid as per the approved validity period.

Contact us for your real registered (SMLE)certificate without exams online as we have resource personnel’s working in the (CAC/SCFHS panel who do the approval of the exams result and the validation of the exams results into the database system so you can see your results on the official website which it will then later be printed and delivered to your home address as per your request.


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